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作者:金飞     日期:2021-10-26   点击数:2554  








2010.07-至今  南通大学,药学院,教授

2017.07-2018.07 澳大利亚悉尼大学,药学院,访问学者(江苏省公派)




  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81970226SUMO化修饰调节RhoGDI蛋白降解在AngІІ介导的VSMC表型转化和动脉血管重构中的作用及机制研究,2020/01-2023/1255万元,结题,主持。

  2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,81202879,何首乌活性成分二苯乙烯苷对波形蛋白骨架系统的调控及在防治动脉粥样硬化中的作用,2013/01-2015/1223万元,结题,主持。

  3. 南通市自然科学基金,JC2023041,锚定于trans-Golgi网络的RhoGDI3调控NLRP3炎症小体装配、活化在血管新生内膜增生中的作用及机制研究,2023/09-2026/0815万元,在研,主持。

  4. 江苏省高校自然科学研究重大项目,19KJA320010RhoGDI降解在平滑肌细胞转分化及血管重构中的作用及机制, 2019/09-2022/0815万元,结题,主持。

  5. 南通市科技计划项目,JC2018059Rho通路对波形蛋白的调控在内皮细胞凋亡中的作用及机制研究,2018/07-2020/063万元,结题,主持。

  6. 江苏省高校自然科学基金面上项目,16KJB360007Rho/ROCK调控波形蛋白骨架及二苯乙烯苷的干预,2016/09-2018/083万元,结题,主持。



科研成果受到2项国家自然科学基金项目,1项江苏省高校自然科学研究重大项目,1项江苏省高校自然科学基金面上项目,多项南通市科技计划项目的支持。并发表SCI论文数篇,其中一些发表于认可度较好的SCI杂志,例如Atherosclerosis, Pharmacological Research, Biomedicine and pharmacotherapy, Toxicology等。获得授权发明专利三项。


  1. Sun J, Shao Y, Pei L, Zhu Q, Yu X,Yao W通讯作者. AKAP1 alleviates VSMC phenotypic modulation and neointima formation by inhibiting Drp1-dependent mitochondrial fission. Biomed Pharmacother. 2024, 176:116858.

  2. Sun J, Zhu Q, Yu X, Liang X, Guan H, Zhao H,Yao W通讯作者.RhoGDI3 at the trans-Golgi network participates in NLRP3 inflammasome activation, VSMC phenotypic modulation, and neointima formation. Atherosclerosis, 2023, 387: 117391.

  3. Guan H, Sun J, Liang X,Yao W(通讯作者). Protective role of Cytochrome C Oxidase 5A (COX5A) against mitochondrial disorder and oxidative stress in VSMC phenotypic modulation and neointima formation. Curr Vasc Pharmacol, 2023, 21(2): 128-142.

  4. Liang X, Sun J, Guan H, Zhu Q,Yao W(通讯作者). Angiotensin II inhibits adipogenic differentiation and promotes mature adipocyte browning through the corepressor CtBP1. Biomedicines. 2022, 10(12): 3131.

  5. Qi Yan, Liang Xiuying, Guan Haijing, Sun Jingwen,Yao Wenjuan通讯作者. RhoGDI1-Cdc42 signaling is required for PDGF-BB-induced phenotypic transformation of vascular smooth muscle cells and neointima formation.Biomedicines, 2021, 9(9): 1169.

  6. Liang Xiuying, Guan Haijing, Sun Jingwen, Qi Yan,Yao Wenjuan(通讯作者). Comparative proteomic analysis of tPVAT during Ang II infusion. Biomedicines, 2021, 9: 1820.

  7. Qi Yan, Guan Haijing, Liang Xiuying, Sun Jingwen, Yao Wenjuan(通讯作者). Ang II promotes SUMO2/3 modification of RhoGDI1 through Aos1 and Uba2 subunits, and then regulates RhoGDI1 stability and cell proliferation. Cardiovasc. Drugs. Ther., 2021, 35(4): 769-773.

  8. Qi Yan, Liang Xiuying, Dai Fan, Guan Haijing, Sun Jingwen,Yao Wenjuan(通讯作者). RhoA/ROCK pathway activation is regulated by AT1 receptor and participates in smooth muscle migration and dedifferentiation via promoting actin cytoskeleton polymerization. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 2020, 21(15): 5398.

  9. Xiuying Liang, Yan Qi, Fan Dai, Jingya Gu,Wenjuan Yao(通讯作者). PVAT: an important guardian of the cardiovascular system. Histol. Histopathol., 2020, 35 (8): 779-787.

  10. Fan Dai, Yan Qi, Wei Guan, Guoliang Meng, Zhaoguo Liu, Ting Zhang,Wenjuan Yao(通讯作者). RhoGDI stability is regulated by SUMOylation and ubiquitination via the AT1 receptor and participates in Ang II-induced smooth muscle proliferation and vascular remodeling. Atherosclerosis 288 (2019) 124–136.

  11. Lian Tang , Fan Dai, Yan Liu, Xiaoqiang Yu, Chao Huang, Yuqin Wang,Wenjuan Yao(通讯作者). RhoA/ROCK signaling regulates smooth muscle phenotypic modulation and vascular remodeling via the JNK pathway and vimentin cytoskeleton. Pharmacological Research, 2018, 133: 201–212.

  12. Lifeng Yang, Lian Tang, Fan Dai, Guoliang Meng, Runting Yin, Xiaole Xu,Wenjuan Yao(通讯作者. Raf-1/CK2 and RhoA/ROCK signaling promote TNF-α-mediated endothelial apoptosis via regulating vimentin cytoskeleton. Toxicology, 2017, 389: 74–84.

  13. Wenjuan Yao(第一作者兼通讯作者), Huang Lei, Qinju Sun, Lifeng Yang, Lian Tang, Guoliang Meng, Xiaole Xu, Wei Zhang. The inhibition of macrophage foam cell formation by tetrahydroxystilbene glucoside is driven by suppressing vimentin cytoskeleton. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2016, 83: 1132-1140.IF=4.545,二区)

  14. Wenjuan Yao(第一作者兼通讯作者), Chengjing Gu, Haoran Shao, Guoliang Meng, Huiming Wang, Xiang Jing, Wei Zhang. Tetrahydroxy stilbene glucoside improves TNF-α-induced endothelial dysfunction: involvement of TGFβ/Smad pathway, and inhibition of vimentin expression. The American Journal of Chinese Medicine, 2015, 43 (1): 183-198.

  15. Yao WenJuan(第一作者)Fan WenJunHuang ChaoZhong HuiChen XiangFan, Zhang Wei. Proteomic analysis for anti-atherosclerotic effect of tetrahydroxystilbene glucoside in rats. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2013, 67 (2): 140-145.


南通大学.银杏酸在制备和治疗血管再狭窄疾病药物中的应用.姚文娟,梁锈瑛,祁妍,陈云,刘兆国. ZL202010722910.6.  2022-8-12.

南通大学.携带人源RhoGDI3基因shRNA腺病毒的构建及其应用.姚文娟,梁锈瑛,祁妍,戴凡. ZL202010498909.X.  2022-12-02.

南通大学.生产聚谷氨酸的重组谷氨酸棒杆菌及构建方法和用途.姚文娟,孟国梁,张伟,陈向凡,殷润婷,ZL201310079151.6 2014-10-22